Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy New Year

Wow, its a New Year for me in so many ways.

A new decade has just begun for me, Alihamdulilahi.
Its been a very informative, saddening, and fantastic few years. I have had a lot of blessings, tears and disappointment in the past few years.

  • Well my biggest disappointment is the attitude of religious leaders to the happenings around us and their failure to speak out continuously against the evils being committed in the name of religion.
  • My biggest sadness for last year is the deaths of close family members.
  • And my biggest joy is the growth in me as a person and my family both nuclear and extended.
For the new year, my hope and dream is to grow more, become an entrepreneur (someone please help with advise here), find my passion and my beloved nation be safe from all forms of insurgencies and war.

What is your New Year Dream?


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