Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy New Year

Wow, its a New Year for me in so many ways.

A new decade has just begun for me, Alihamdulilahi.
Its been a very informative, saddening, and fantastic few years. I have had a lot of blessings, tears and disappointment in the past few years.

  • Well my biggest disappointment is the attitude of religious leaders to the happenings around us and their failure to speak out continuously against the evils being committed in the name of religion.
  • My biggest sadness for last year is the deaths of close family members.
  • And my biggest joy is the growth in me as a person and my family both nuclear and extended.
For the new year, my hope and dream is to grow more, become an entrepreneur (someone please help with advise here), find my passion and my beloved nation be safe from all forms of insurgencies and war.

What is your New Year Dream?


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Letter to Self

Dear Me,

So life is not what you expected it to be as an adult. When you were younger you could not wait to grow up because you expected things to be much easier, you assumed the following:
  • You assumed that as an adult you get to do anything you want without consequences. WRONG, the consequences as an adult are even more severe than when you were young.
  • You assumed that you would become unaccountable to anyone, go out all day, throw a big bash, watch TV all day, no chores, e.t.c. Well..... as an adult if you venture attempt that you are labeled irresponsible, lazy, a slob, no good and not trust worthy
  • No responsibility at all and living on your own; well you soon realized that your parents' wealth is not your own, you have to work to earn a living, to cloth yourself (unlike when you were younger), make sacrifices, pay bills, transport yourself. you not only have to d all this, you also have to priorities as your salary cannot cover your excesses (weekly trips to the movies, restaurants, latest malls , buy of the latest accessories, weekly pedi's and Mani's, latest shoes and bags e.t.c)
  • You Have all the time in the world, no more learning, no more competition, no more yes sir, yes ma. Dead Wrong, if you want to succeed in life you must continue to improve yourself, no time at all for play. Everybody is hustling and striving for the same job, the same promotion, the same opportunity, you must work harder than the everybody else, you must work smarter, you must always be on the alert, striving to improve yourself, not allowing yourself to assume that nobody can beat you to it. always put in your best and pray. As for the Yes Sir, Yes Ma, well its called boot licking, office politics or respect depending on the environment or who you are asking, however it is agreed that it is the common thing in any work environment.
As you can see all your assumption about being an adult were naive. The Good thing is that you keep learning everyday and as an adult you own your Mistakes, Successes and Choices.